
Showing posts from October, 2016

A spinning top eventually wobbles

I didn't expect to enjoy spinning a top as much as I did and for now--am. There is a simple satisfaction of separating this balanced object from my surprisingly matched fingers. I've only spun this top about twenty times over a few days but as I watched this last spin I teetered at the threshold of what simpleness meant to me. I immediately crafted a fantasy of the perfect and everlasting spin and that seeing this would feel magically pleasureable. It quickly became clear that it was the unexpected quirky spins and movements I enjoyed. Each dance depended on the moment and manner of release from my meat-mitt grip. I studied this machined wooden toy and realized it wasn't as perfect as the others strewn across the display. My eyes followed the rings that had been dissected from the massive tree it was plucked from as they wandered throughout. This tree must have grown against nature as it pressed them during deficient conditions and during abundance grown wider. This s

Wisdom starts with the fool

If you truly looked at me, you'd know a foolish little man with follies trying to be the philosopher. You'd see my stubborn grasp of rope as it frays to a thread with the abyss below and thundercloud above while imagining what the sun feels like. This is the fool. The wise man stands on a ladder. Sometimes I'm just sad. I always know why and I accept it. What strength is there in getting up feeling sunny everyday? It's the heaviness that requires effort to lift weighted eyelids, see the sun, and smile at it.

Relentlessly pursing better

I've plenty of time to kill in the dealership's waiting to live area. A quote on a T-shirt today: Live with the relentless pursuit of better . I think this sounds dumb. Relentless--isn't this creating anxiety where it is useless or unnecessary? Pursuing better doesn't even mean you have to achieve anything. We hope to, and we can be okay with that. It's really the hope for the better, getting better, looking at our progress, and to me every little improvement adds up. Man, I really hope I'm getting better. I know that I am better when I consider my life, and where I started to be conscious about what better meant.