Press a Button get a Beer or How the Military Made me a Killer.
Press a button get a beer. This is how I became a killer. Press a button get a beer. I realize that there are many reasons that I found myself emerging from the output of the machine pressing out killers but those were my own reasons for showing up. I was romancing the idea of world travel when I arrived on deck and boastfully fell into the hopper. I did receive a lifetime's worth of travel. Was I hardened after bootcamp? Not at all and unexpectedly not. With my orders delayed and the rest of my shipmates travelling off to their respective schools or commands, I remained behind. For two weeks I was left on my own and this is where I slowly felt the programed robotic numbness fade. Bootcamp won't make you hard, it only makes robots. It is designed to empty you of thought and into the void is a small opening to fill with the technical knowledge required to perform as a professional sailor or soldier. As my window began to close and I regained the ordinary senses of the world, ...
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