
Showing posts from May, 2016

Abandon the middle

The middle is full of conflict. We have a choice. One man says,"It will be darkness, for it is much easier to destroy the light within than the darkness without." I'll keep my flicker of light dancing in the gloom. I've never been comfortable with easy anyway.

Dear Sun

Dear Sun, Too many days of rain. I dread this abominable rain upon rain. Too many weeks of dreariness and gutters overflowing with the rubbish of humanity. A deluge of memories dilutes my soul and pours me into the dinge to translucently consort with the world. Too easily is my patina tarnished and I sulk into an opaque worm halfheartedly contorting above a soggy demise. Too many rainy days and so many worms unearthed and then plunged to their deaths. Hurry Sun! Come--recede this morbid river from my eyes and dry my memories into the deepest wormholes of regret. Sincerely, Grey Worm

How did your day unfold?

Very well--unfolded itself. The soggy day rearranged its folds into sloppy forms of what it could be. A bear, a humanoid, a crane until it settled itself and dried under the sun as a less crumpled version of the beginning.  A good day.

Slanted Rooms

My heart's become a crooked motel full of slanted humor. Who will pay for these rooms? The queen of hearts? She laughs at my words and takes a bitter toll from my ears. No, she cannot pay, the queen's currency is stone. Everyone has their dues to pay.  Although, don't ask me, I'm overpaid and underwater. I'm overdue to set sail in a teardrop beneath the trampling feet of my people trying to drown the sun in weekends of whiskey. No matter how many times we fools try, I wake up in this uninhabitable land with the sun in my face.

List of ideas worth blogging about.

Amish or Part-Timish Women are always 1000 steps ahead in thought than men. They make their mind up about you. Hello, you've reached Ben but I'm not here, or maybe I am. I don't know. I meant crazy. Real insanity, like pulling out all of your teeth and smiling crazy. The anxieties that used to take away my happiness. Develop the pirate idea. Maintain the theme of recognize the brightness and wonder of life juxtaposed against the hardships.

Look up for a while but appreciate the dirt you stand in.

Loneliness has taught me a seemingly profound lesson. If you choose to love, stay on the ground. It seems the opposite of magic but the more I learn through observing my surroundings I see magical things. With our head in the clouds we are looking in the wrong places for magic. In the cloud of imagination we find fleeting and fantastic illusions of thought but these are only ethereal. All the while, dirt, storm, wildfire, and tumultuous deluge is experienced. These are the actual elements for passion and life. An imagination is a human quality that can dilute as easily as inspire life.  My observation of and subjection to life construct contradictions and examples that seem to be in opposition, but without contrast the world would be flat and bland. Herein we find the magic.